Thursday, February 18, 2010

Homemade Swing Set With Monkey Bars What Does This Dream Mean? It's From My Childhood, A Reoccuring Dream, Please Answer!?

What Does this dream mean? It's from my childhood, a reoccuring dream, please answer!? - homemade swing set with monkey bars

The dream begins w / a blonde girl with a summer dress. Shes in a place, a mix of Candy Land and WillyWonkasChocolateFactory is. But theres something wrong with the stage lighting is to turn off the lights too bright yellow and if it looks fake, or as if shes @ the scene of a movie. Theres something wrong with the girl, but you do not know why. Then he looks at his right arm against girls and shes wearing a homemade bracelet and it is not the key to dream. Theres something weird webbing.
Whenever I would see the sale of the scene suddenly changes, like changing a camera to the scene. The camera can turn right and there is a dark alley. On a wall in the entrance hall a staircase was dark and foggy. In the stairwell, a man with a will isAter coat and with a package that I am sure, is important. The man walked up the stairs and the scene goes back to 2 girls and zoom in on an on the bracelet. ends shortly after the dream


Fairelight Silverwings said...

I see that is surrounded by much of what is wrong. We believe that everything must be "soft", but we can say that it is not real.

Perhaps Bracelet house represents what is really in your life. It is in an environment that is false and completely divorced from reality, but there is a family atmosphere that their land in what is trying to keep honest and real.

I suppose the man has something important to offer the child. Is this man remind you of someone? If you are the girl who tries to spend the night, cloud cover, and where a package of "home", a package of truth and reality can be too? He is ready to "go" and the trouble of delivery. How do you feelMan? Have you considered it a threat or a messenger of something good?

Pray for wisdom.

Chris said...

Can the dream mean that there will be something important in life, when someone tries to take, and if the person manages to do that, then be unhappy.

Bo Sschneider said...

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J C said...

Vampire! that's what it means ... Shes a vampire!

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